How to make art the point of entry to a new culture? How can art based activities become a catalyst of the processes of cross-cultural adaptation? This training based on non formal education, intercultural psychology and art education offers basic methods, theoretical frames and techniques to combine art work and intercultural learning. It nourishes reflection on the adaptation process of newcomers. (expatriates, migrants and any type of global nomads)
When? 24th-28th August 2015
Where? Budapest
The aims of the training are:
- to develop trainers’ intercultural competences and to improve the skills, knowledge and competences necessary for the work with multicultural groups
- to adapt diverse artistic methods in intercultural training at a non-formal setting
- to share good practices of the participants
We suggest the training to: Trainers, teachers, artists, social workers, youth workers
Working language: English
Course fee: for Erasmus + training grantees: 350 Euros (deadline for application is 4th of March)
for non-Erasmus + participants: 250 Euros
for Earls Birds (non-Erasmus participants): 200 Euros
Deadline for registration: 15th June 2015; Early Birds registration: 30th April 2015
Grants: To participate in this course you can apply for mobility grant in the framework of the Erasmus + program! See details.
To register or if you have further questions send an email
Contact: Anna Végh: 00361-4136517
This training will be held over 10 registered participants. Final confirmation will be sent one month before the date of the training.